Psychologie signification des couleurs

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Symposium sur l'amblyopie strabique, Liège, sept. La discrimination chromatique dans l'amblyopie strabique. On acquired deficiency of colour vision, with special reference to its detection and classification by means of the tests of Fransworth. Classification et symptomatologie des dyschromatopsies acquises.

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TAYLOR Obstacle to squint training-Amblyopia.

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Badanie nabytych zaburzeń widzenia barwnego na fotometrze Pulfricha. L'oscillazione della funzione (Funktionswandel) visiva. Aspetti dinamico-funzionali cerebrali dello strabico ambliopico. Thoughts on the nature of amblyopia ex anopsia. Contributo alla conoscenza delle discromatopsie acquisite. Farbensinnstörungen bei Anisometropie (Zur Frage der sogenannten “Amblyopia ex anopsia”). The colour sense in amblyopic eyes associated with strabismus convergens.

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